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Mark your calendars, a new season is on its way.

This spring is about renewing old pieces in new ways to build outfits that have hybridity at their core. The looks we’re interested in are undefined by era, influence or trend. They’re a fluid conception of it all - a bit of this, a bit of that - to create perfectly, imperfect outfits that mirror our uncertain world.

We’ve moved past one dimensional trends, swapping florals and pastels for ideas and personas. Instead of hero prints, we’ve got heroes, heroines, cowboy princesses and sexy soccer moms. Main character energy has migrated off TikTok and onto the streets.

Finesse your dressing up box to transform into any avatar you like. Think Mia Thermopolis “the Princess of Genovia” getting stuck in on her family farm. Floor sweeping silk dress paired with the farmboy’s flannel shirt and thick denim work jacket - pink bandana Mia’s own. Looking this cute, a romp in the hay is inevitable. 

Or maybe you’re Barb. Tired of suburbia and filled with what-could-have-been-dreams, nursing the worst hangover you’ve had since Freshman year at your 8 year olds soccer game. You got home in time for a quick power nap and to find Chase’s kit but last night’s make up, unwashed hair and Poster Girl dress slipped your mind.  


Coach came to practise

via the Renaissance fair.

Now drop and give her twenty.

Clothes: Second hand & vintage.

This spring, start afresh without bagging up last season’s wardrobe for landfill. Maintain an ‘in with the new with some help from the old’ philosophy to reduce your environmental impact and rediscover the joy of dressing up. Invest in unique accessories to breathe new life into your forever staples and can’t-live-without-basics. Mixing and matching old with new, high with low, era with era, trend with trend to create a Frankenstein’s monster of a closet that gives you the choice to be whoever you want to be.


Mood #1


Your entire belly is trending right now